Reading was my gateway to the birth world. Some of the books below were of my choosing; some were required by my certifying organization. An asterik indicates a book I would recommend to any pregnant family.
The Birth Partner, Penny Simkin, 2013.*
Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom is Wrong - and What You Really Need to Know, Emily Oster, 2016.*
Pregnancy Childbirth and the Newborn: The Complete Guide; Penny Simkin, PT, Janet Whaley, RN, BSN, Ann Keppler, RN, MN, 2001, 2016.*
Witches, Midwives & Nurses: A History of Women Healers, Second Edition, Barbara Ehrenreich & Deidre English, 2010.
When Survivors Give Birth: Understanding and Healing the Effects of Early Sexual Abuse on Childbearing Women, Penny Simkin, PT, and Phyllis Klaus, CSW, MFT, 2012.
Journey to Same-Sex Parenthood: Firsthand Advice, Tips and Stories from Lesbian and Gay Couples, Eric Rosswood, 2016.
Your Guide to Breastfeeding, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Women's Health, 2021.
DONA Position Paper: The Postpartum Doula's Role in Maternity Care, 2017.
DONA Position Paper: The Birth Doula's Contribution to Modern Maternity Care, 2017.
The Doula Book, Marshall H. Klaus, MD, John H. Kennell, MD, and Phyllis H. Klaus, MFT LMSW, 2012
The Mother of All Pregnancy Books, Ann Douglas, 2012.
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, La Leche League International, 2010.
Transformed by Postpartum Depression, Walker Karraa, PhD, 2014.
Body of Work, Pamela Slim, 2013.
Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty, Dorothy Roberts, 2017.
Birth As An American Rite of Passage, Robbie Davis-Floyd.
Spiritual Midwifery, Ina May Gaskin.
Deliver Me from Pain: Anesthesia and Birth in America, Jacqueline H. Wolf.
Pushed: The Painful Truth About Childbirth and Modern Maternity Care, Jennifer Block, 2007.
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, Ina May Gaskin, 2003.
Easing Labor Pain: The Complete Guide to a More Comfortable and Rewarding Birth, Adrienne B. Lieberman, 1992.
A Midwife's Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard, Based on Her Diary, 1785-1812, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, 1991.
Natural Hospital Birth: The Best of Both Worlds, Cynthia Gabriel, 2011.
Childbirth Without Fear, Grantly Dick-Read.
Rediscovering Birth, Sheila Kitzinger.
Birthing from Within: An Extra-Ordinary Guide to Childbirth Preparation, Pam England, 1998.
The Story of Jane: The Legendary Underground Feminist Abortion Service, Laura Kaplan, 1997.
What to Expect When You're Expecting, Heidi Murkoff.
The Women Who Caught the Babies: A Story of African American Midwives, Eloise Greenfield, 2019.
Birth Models that Work, Robbie Davis-Floyd, 2009.
Labor of Love: A Midwife's Memoir, Cara Muhlhahn, 2009.
Catching Babies: The Professionalization of Childbirth, 1870-1920, Charlotte G. Borst, 1995.
Hypnobirthing: A Celebration of Life: A definitive guide for easier, safer, and more comfortable birthing, Marie F. Mongan, M. Ed., M.Hy., 1998.
Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems, Richard Ferber, M.D., 1985.
the no-cry sleep solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night, Elizabeth Pantley, 2002.
The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy, Vicki Iovine.
Confessions of the Other Mother: Non-biological Lesbian Moms Tell All, Harlyn Aizley, 2006.
Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives: A Holistic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth, Deepak Chopra, MD, 2005.
What Does it Mean to be White?: Developing White Racial Literacy: Revised Edition: Robin DiAngelo, 2016.
Cut, Stapled, & Mended: When One Woman Reclaimed Her Body and Gave Birth on Her Own Terms After Cesarean, Roanna Rosewood, 2013.
Call the Midwife: A Memoir of Birth, Joy, and Hard Times, Jennifer Worth, 2009.
Journey into Motherhood: Inspirational Stories of Natural Birth, Sherri L Menelli, 2004.